Personal use:
- Cap
- Shoes which can endure the stress
- Stationary (pen, pencil, note book, eraser, sharpener, ruler and more of need)
- Geological hammer
- Burunton compass
- Maps
- Laptop
- Camera
Distinguishing lithology:
To distinguish lithology few things can be done by naked eye
- Note down colour (fresh) of the formation
- Differentiate sediments (coarse or fine) this will tell you if it is sandstone, calcite, limestone etc
- Look for sedimentary structures if any this will differentiate about environment of deposition
- Sedimentary texture should be written
- Look for formational lithology variation (interbedding)
- Thickness of lithology should be observed
More knowledge gaining on the formation should be studied in the laboratory under microscope (thin section), the above are the field observation which will provide basic knowledge.