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Monday, August 10, 2015

Indian plate is pushing on Eurasia (earthquake)

Yet another incident evident of the Indian plate movement towards North into the Eurasia. Another earthquake struck Pakistan few minutes back (10 August,2015) . Magnitude calculation shows was 6.7 on the Richter scale while it shake most of the Pakistan. The focal point is to be in the Eskasem, Badakhshan, Afghanistan-Tajikistan border. It epicentre was 200 kilometres below surface while the surface waves was propagating about 15 seconds. 
This simply is the evident of the Indian plate movement while in the past couple of days, being too active. As one earthquake struck today while 7 is the count for the last past week. Its count in a month goes to 16 while 150 in year time. Crustal deformation is still active, mountains being getting higher like 7 millimetres annually. 
If the movement continues with this speed its far enough but what about some higher rate?. Probably it will go on a higher rate as to see the count of earthquake in this very active zone where Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, India, Nepal and Tajikistan lies. Faults being activated with intervals, different epicentres and will continue to do so. As there are many major faults in this area with to many minor faults, each the resulting force Indian plate due on the Eurasia. 
So as now the movement of the Indian plate is northward, will it drift the the southern parts toward North?. Surely will but the feel is not so huge as it only measures to be centimetres and not like metres. As both are large masses no one can push aside each other so it keeps mountain ranges building, old ones keep higher and higher while, the new deformation zones keep on their deformation because the force is to accommodate and later folds transform into faults and gives more earthquakes.