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Sunday, November 20, 2016


What is Amazonite?

Amazonite (sometimes called "Amazon stone") is a green variety of microcline feldspar. The name is taken from that of the Amazon River, from which certain green stones were formerly obtained, but it is doubtful whether green feldspar occurs in the Amazon area.
A green to blue-green variety of K-feldspar, usually microcline, but sometimes applied to orthoclase. The colour is usually caused by an elevated content of Pb (up to 1.2% PbO).
However, there are also indications that the green colour of some microcline is caused by divalent Fe. Overenthusiastic uses of this name include giving this name to slightly gray-green hues in microcline that are often photosensitive and turn from greenish gray to light smoky gray. Sunlight can sometimes enrich the colour of genuine amazonite.

Amazonite properties

Mohs Hardness of 6-6.5 with a triclinic crystal structure. Amazonite or Microcline is a form of alkali feldspar, and it’s colour is due to the presence of lead. Although the main colour of Amazonite is teal it may also be partially colourless, white, yellow, pink, red, gray or green. It’s striking colour is due to the presence of lead and is that mineral that determines the depth of the colour.


Amazonite is a mineral of limited occurrence. Formerly it was obtained almost exclusively from the area of Miass in the Ilmensky Mountains, 50 miles southwest of Chelyabinsk, Russia, where it occurs in granitic rocks. More recently, high-quality crystals have been obtained from Pike's Peak, Colorado, where it is found associated with smoky quartz, orthoclase, and albite in a coarse granite or pegmatite. Crystals of amazonite can also be found in Crystal Park, El Paso County, Colorado. Other locations in the United States which yield amazonite include the Morefield Mine in Amelia, Virginia. It is also found in pegmatite in Madagascar and in Brazil.
Because of its bright green colour when polished, amazonite is sometimes cut and used as a cheap gemstone, although it is easily fractured, and loses its gloss due to its softness.
For many years, the source of amazonite's colour was a mystery. Naturally, many people assumed the colour was due to copper because copper compounds often have blue and green colours. More recent studies suggest that the blue-green colour results from small quantities of lead and water in the feldspar.

Amazonite healing properties

Amazonite assists in communicating one’s true thoughts and feelings without over-emotionalism. It also enables one to see a problem from another’s point of view in order to affect peace, or to see both sides of an issue objectively to resolve one’s own inner conflicts. Sleeping with an Amazonite can bring these components into focus through the symbolism of dreams. 
As a support stone, Amazonite aids in overcoming loneliness, and has been credited with making married life happier.
Amazonite is a Barrier Filter crystal that blocks geopathic stress, absorbs microwaves and cell phone emanations, and protects against electromagnetic pollution. Place it near computers and other electronics, or tape to your cell phone.
In the workplace, Amazonite dispels negative energy and aggravation, and protects against unfair business practices and others taking advantage. A stone of prosperity, Amazonite attracts new customers and orders to a business, and assists one in being in the right place at the right time for new opportunities.
Amazonite is a good luck stone for games of chance, competitions and luck in any financial venture. To make a lucky-charm, combine three Amazonites and a small amount of basil and mint in a small pouch. Leave it in front of a turquoise candle until the candle burns down.
Hide an Amazonite in a child’s or teen’s bedroom to encourage tidiness, and keep a dish of Amazonites on the kitchen table to persuade others to assist more with chores.

Physical Properties of Amazonite

Chemical FormulaKAlSi3O8
ColourBlue, Green, Purple, Gray, Multicolored
Hardness6 - 6.5
Crystal SystemTriclinic
Refractive Index1.52 - 1.53
SG2.56 - 2.58
TransparencyTranslucent to opaque
Double Refraction-.008
Cleavage2,1 - basal ; 2,1 - prismatic ; 3,1 - pinacoidal
Mineral ClassMicrocline