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Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Aventurine Gemstone

What is Aventurine?

Aventurine is a form of quartz, characterised by its translucency and the presence of platy mineral inclusions that give a shimmering or glistening effect termed aventurescence.

The most common colour of aventurine is green, but it may also be orange, brown, yellow, blue, or gray. Chrome-bearing fuchsite (a variety of muscovite mica) is the classic inclusion, and gives a silvery green or blue sheen. Oranges and browns are attributed to hematite or goethite. Because aventurine is a rock, its physical properties vary: its specific gravity may lie between 2.64-2.69 and its hardness is somewhat lower than single-crystal quartz at around 6.5.

Aventurine feldspar or sunstone can be confused with orange and red aventurine quartzite, although the former is generally of a higher transparency. Aventurine is often banded and an overabundance of fuchsite may render it opaque, in which case it may be mistaken for malachite at first glance.

The name aventurine derives from the Italian "a ventura" meaning "by chance". This is an allusion to the lucky discovery of aventurine glass or goldstone at some point in the 18th century. Although it was known first, goldstone is now a common imitation of aventurine and sunstone. Goldstone is distinguished visually from the latter two minerals by its coarse flecks of copper, dispersed within the glass in an unnaturally uniform manner. It is usually a golden brown, but may also be found in blue or green.

The majority of green and blue-green aventurine originates in India (particularly in the vicinity of Mysore and Chennai) where it is employed by prolific artisans. Creamy white, gray and orange material is found in Chile, Spain and Russia. Most material is carved into beads and figurines with only the finer examples fashioned into cabochons, later being set into jewellery.

Aventurine healing Properties

Green Aventurine carries a strong connection to Earth and the devic kingdom, providing a better understanding and appreciation of nature and its soothing vibrations upon the mind and body. It is an excellent stone for gridding houses or gardens against geopathic stress. 
Wearing Aventurine also absorbs electromagnetic smog and guards against environmental pollution. Taped to a cell phone, it protects against its emanations. 
Green Aventurine energetically stimulates the physical growth of premature infants, young children and teenagers. It increases overall vitality and enhances the intellectual development of children struggling with schoolwork and destructive hyperactivity. It assists adults with written work, typing and computer skills, and is beneficial to all in overcoming clumsiness.
Aventurine may be made into an elixir to drink or used in ablutions by soaking a stone fragment in demineralized water overnight (we recommend the indirect method). It is highly beneficial for fighting eczema, rosacea, juvenile acne, and other skin problems. 
Aventurine is ideal for soothing quick-tempers or brutal temperaments, and can greatly diminish the effects of domestic strife between spouses. 
For those looking for love in their mature years, Green Aventurine may be used as a love crystal or added to a Heart Chakra layout as it encourages love later in life.

Physical properties of Aventurine

Chemical FormulaSiO2
ColourBlue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Gray
Hardness6.5 - 7
Crystal SystemHexagonal
Refractive Index1.54 - 1.55
SG2.63 - 2.65
TransparencyOpaque. May be translucent when backlit on the edges.
Double Refraction.009
LusterVitreous, waxy
Mineral ClassQuartz / Chalcedony