A picture is worth a thousand words, but not all pictures are
created equal. The pictures we usually feature on Learning Geology are field pictures showing
Geological structures and features and many of them are high quality gem and
mineral pictures. The purpose is to encourage students and professionals'
activities by promoting "learning and scope" of Geology through
our blogs.
In the end of 2016, we are sharing with you the 10 best photos of 2016 which we have posted on our page.
P.S: we always try our best to credit each and every photographer or website,
but sometimes it’s impossible to track some of them. Please leave a comment if
you know about the missing ones.
1. Folds from Basque France
2. Horst and Graben Structure in Zanjan, Iran
4. The Rock Cycle
The rock cycle illustrates the formation, alteration, destruction, and reformation of earth materials, and typically over long periods of geologic time. The rock cycle portrays the collective system of processes, and the resulting products that form, at or below the earth surface.The illustration below illustrates the rock cycle with the common names of rocks, minerals, and sediments associated with each group of earth materials: sediments, sedimentary rocks, metamorphic rocks, and igneous rocks.
5. An amazing Botryoidal specimen for Goethite lovers!
6. Basalt outcrop of the Semail Ophiolite, Wadi Jizzi, Oman
Christopher Spencer is founder of an amazing science outreach program named as
Traveling Geologist. Visit his
website to learn from him
7. Val Gardena Dolomites, Northern Italy
8. Beautiful fern fossil found in Potsville Formation from Pennsylvania.
The ferns most commonly found are Alethopteris, Neuropteris, Pecopteris, and Sphenophyllum.
9. Snowball garnet in schist
Syn-kinematic crystals in which “Snowball garnet” with highly rotated spiral Si.
Porphyroblast is ~ 5 mm in diameter.
From Yardley et al. (1990) Atlas of Metamorphic Rocks and their Textures.
10. Trilobite Specimen from Wheeler Formation, Utah The Wheeler Shale is of Cambrian age and is a world famous locality for prolific trilobite remains.
Image Credits: Paleo Fossils |